Hair Loss

There are numerous causes for hair loss and the cause will determine which treatment option will be appropriate. Hair loss can be devastating, but it is helpful to know that there are numerous treatments that can slow hair loss or restore the hair. If you are not sure what is causing your hair loss, or if it is causing scarring, please see one of our dermatologists to have it evaluated. This may be done with cultures, blood tests or scalp biopsies.

Hair loss from Androgenic Alopecia 

Many men and women have this hereditary form of hair loss, which is more commonly known as female-pattern baldness and male-pattern baldness. Female-pattern baldness typically occurs as a gradual widening of the parting when the hair on the crown of the head starts to thin out, and may also be accompanied by a receding hair line. It can be due to genetics from either the mother or the father’s side of the family, or caused by hormonal imbalance or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Male-pattern baldness typically occurs as a balding patch on the crown of the head followed by a gradual recession of the hairline at the temples. It is genetic, but it can be from either side of the family. 

There are currently very few successful treatments for androgenic alopecia. Fortunately, the development of a medication called Finasteride (Propecia) has been extremely helpful, not only in slowing the hair loss but in re-growth as well. This medication does have some potential side-effects, which must be discussed with your dermatologist. At the Skin Specialist Centre, we have found the most successful treatment is 5% Minoxidil (Rogaine), which is a topical solution applied to the scalp once a day that can be used together with Finasteride for optimum results.

Hair loss from Telogen Effluvium

A condition resulting in sudden hair loss which can be caused by iron deficiency, illness, stress, medications, trauma, surgery, pregnancy or diet. The pattern of telogen effluvium is usually hair loss that is all over the scalp.  

This type of hair loss occurs more suddenly, possibly 3 – 8 months after a major stress (illness, hospitalisation, childbirth or family death). Other causes of telogen effluvium include medications, thyroid disorders and low iron stores.  We find the most common cause is low iron stores, which is not usually checked in regular consultations.

Hair loss from other causes

Another type of hair loss is called alopecia areata, which causes bald spots and is caused by an autoimmune condition. Less common causes of hair loss include ringworm (tinea), lupus erythematosus, thyroid deficiency, and lichen planus.

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