Non surgical face lift

Ultraformer III is the latest addition to our range of skin tightening devices, with the Skin Specialist Centre being the pioneer in New Zealand with this latest technology. It is a revolutionary, non-surgical and non-invasive face-lifting technology, with no patient downtime, using the power of gentle, yet powerful, micro-focused ultrasound waves to lift not just the skin, but also the deep muscle layer underneath, which was previously reached by surgical face-lifts. 

Ultraformer III also performs tightening and lifting of the skin on the neck, under the chin and jawline, the brow and around the eyes. It also treats fine lines and wrinkles, and wrinkling and sagging on the décolletage and body (areas which can be targeted include the chest, arms, armpits, abdomen, flanks, thighs and lower legs). It works by stimulating your body’s natural regenerative process by using highly sophisticated micro-focused ultrasound energy to rejuvenate the three critical levels of your skin’s infrastructure by delivering energy levels into precise depths. The technology with Ultraformer III’s exact focusing ensures that the correct depth is always targeted and heated to the specific temperature required to induce “thermal injury” causing the collagen to contract and, with time, producing new and stronger collagen. The first ultrasound device of this kind on the market was Ulthera, but in Dr McKerrow’s opinion this is now second generation as the Ultraformer III is much more effective, cheaper for the patient and can treat many more areas of the body.

Is this treatment right for me?

A good candidate for Ultraformer III is someone with skin that has relaxed to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. A lowered brow line or sagging skin on the eyelids, for instance, is often the first sign of “maturing skin”. While the Ultraformer III is not a replacement for surgery, there are many people who want some lifting but are not ready for surgery either mentally, financially or logistically.

Will I feel pain during the treatment?

Yes, the discomfort experience will depend on the individual’s pain threshold and the settings required to treat the area of concern.  Topical anaesthetic cream can be applied, but will be of minimal value as the energy is delivered deep in the skin. What you will experience during the treatment is actually low amounts of high intensity, focused ultrasound energy delivered into precise skin depths, without damaging the skin. There can be some discomfort while the energy is being delivered, but it is temporary and a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Initially, you will have an immediate tightening of your skin in the treated area, as the heat from the Ultraformer III contracts the network of collagen fibres. The more obvious and long-term results will become evident over time. Ultraformer III benefits will peak between 6 – 9 months after treatment. The new collagen will be stronger and its structure more “youthful” than previously. As a consequence of this action, your skin will be stronger and better supported, helping to reverse the effects of ageing on your skin. A regular programme of treatment every 6 – 12 months will help to maintain your results and subsequent treatment is likely to give you some additional improvement.  Most people can return to their regular activities immediately following the treatment. Botox injectable, fillers and superficial laser treatments can be performed one month following Ultraformer III. The following is advised following the treatment:

  • Wash your skin regularly with water (avoid hot water).
  • You should avoid exposing your skin to extremes of heat and cold, 
  • You should protect your skin with application of SPF50+ sunscreen.
  • Normal make-up regime can be followed immediately.
  • Please do not have any other form of facial treatment or therapy for at least one month.

What are the possible side effects?

  • Mild bruising caused by damage to soft tissue blood vessels may occur occasionally, but typically resolves within 1 – 3 weeks.
  • A small lump, if it occurs, is caused by strong energy and typically resolves within two weeks of treatment.
  • Numbness of a particular area will resolve in a matter of days or weeks at most. Where a sensory nerve has become inflamed, you may experience some temporary numbness. 
  • Where a motor nerve has become inflamed, you may experience some temporary local muscle weakness.
  • Some momentary discomfort may be experienced during the procedure while the ultrasound energy is being delivered.
  • Tenderness to the touch may be experienced from the procedure and typically resolves within two weeks of treatment.

What’s the next step?

If you already have an appointment booked at The Skin Specialist Centre, you can easily add this treatment/consultation to your booking by calling our friendly team on 0866 6666335. If you have never been to The Skin Specialist Centre, you can either give us a call on 0866 6666335 or make an enquiry by clicking on the Enquire Now option below.

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